Vice President, Advanced Mathematics Applications Division

Dominick Vincent, Ph.D.

Dr. Vincent is Vice President of Metron's Advanced Mathematics Applications Division. He has over 20 years of experience in naval research and development.

Dr. Vincent has dedicated over twenty years to the advancement of Naval Research and Development, serving as a principal investigator developing innovative satellite imagery processing capabilities and as the R&D program manager for the Oceanographer of the Navy. With more than 25 years of experience as a Naval Officer, his extensive operational experience and leadership experience includes working across the Navy and Joint Force, leadership roles within Naval Oceanography focused on providing direct risk management support across the spectrum of applied warfare areas as well as two operational command tours. Joining Metron in 2019, Vincent spent five years leading the development of operational risk management decision support systems based on the fusion of a wide range of data to include intelligence, operational capabilities, and environmental data. He successfully transitioned Metron’s innovative operational risk management mission planning system to the Navy in 2022 and continues to lead the development and sustainment. In 2024, he initiated a new $53M three-year effort to expand these capabilities to the rest of the Armed Services and Joint Force. In 2025, Vincent stepped up to serve as the Vice President of Metron’s Advanced Mathematics Applications division.