“The Coast Guard has been using Bayesian analysis since the 1970s. The approach lends itself well to problems like searches,…
In the weeks after Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 vanished, most likely in the Indian Ocean, Australian officials said they knew…
“It is definitely the search of my generation,” said Colleen Keller, a senior analyst at Metron Inc., a Virginia-based scientific…
“In the early morning hours of June 1, 2009, Air France Flight AF 447, with 228 passengers and crew aboard,…
U.S. Navy researchers needed experimental autonomy and mission planning software for a future large unmanned underwater vehicle (UUV) under development by the…
The autonomous sub scouring the depths of the Indian Ocean for Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 was finishing up the last…
Metron’s Van Gurley and Colleen Keller are tentatively scheduled to appear on CNN’s Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer tonight starting…
Metron’s Van Gurley will appear on CNN at 10am. Colleen Keller will appear on KPBS (NPR) Radio at 3pm, then…
The search for the missing Malaysia Airlines’ flight MH370 was dramatically narrowed last week due to a mathematical analysis of…
No one has yet asked Metron, a scientific consulting firm, to join the search for the missing Boeing 777, but…